Fund for All Saints


Fund for All Saints

The Fund for All Saints is the cornerstone of all giving at All Saints Catholic School. This annual giving program is designed to bridge the gap between paid tuition and what it costs to educate a student at All Saints. Your tax-deductible gift toward the Fund for All Saints ensures we can continue to lay the foundation, not only for academic education, but also for the spiritual and moral growth and development of each child entering All Saints’ doors. Your gift allows us to build and sustain a team of dedicated faculty and staff, and encourages Catholic education to flourish in our community. Together, we can achieve so much.  Donate today!

Each gift is tax-deductible and allows All Saints to continue to educate and form the future leaders by providing:

  • outstanding, dedicated, caring, and professional personnel

  • rigorous academic programs

  • building maintenance and updates

  • daily exposure to Catholic formation and tradition

  • student enrichment opportunities

Gifts can be made toward the Fund for All Saints at any time during the year; families who donate are recognized in the annual report each fall. Gifts are used to keep tuition affordable, to encourage excellence in education through improved recruitment and retention, and to provide needed improvements in technology and student materials. This support will preserve, strengthen, and build on the tradition of All Saints Catholic School.

Make A Commitment Today

Contributions can be made online or by completing and submitting a pledge form to the office.

We are extremely grateful for every contribution. Together, we are All Saints.